Friday, August 7, 2009

Still Undecided

It has been quite a few days since my last post and I am still not sure what I am meant to blog about. So I will just bring you up to speed about what is going on with me in my personal and professional life. I have been attending long-distance undergraduate classes at Franklin University in Ohio and working towards a BS in Operations and Supply Chain Management and an MBA. I have gotten several of my general education requirement classes and my business core classes behind me at this point. I am now ready to embark on the classes directly related to my major! I hope to graduate before I turn 50! Not sure if the ROI will be worthwhile, but at least I am learning something and keeping my mind sharp.

Summer has been brutal here in San Antonio this year. July was the hottest month on record! It has been very dry also and my grass is is feeling it. I am glad when we bought our house that we paid for the extra attic insulation and the radiant barrier! I think it has helped but I don't have any thing to compare our utility bills against other than the complaints from everybody about their bills. We have been thinking about getting a swimming pool, but it is almost too hot to swim and the water would feel more like bath water than a refreshing dip. Well fall is right around the corner and then winter and those are the months we moved to San Antonio for anyways!

You probably have heard that CNN reported that the recession is over. Well someone should tell the housing industry. Work is still quite slow but hopefully we have seen the bottom and are at least getting a little bounce. Unfortunately there are still too many foreclosures in the pipeline that will depress prices and mean lackluster new starts for months to come.

Well that kind of brings you up to speed on me. I will go back and try to come up with a more entertaining slant for this blog instead of just rambling on!

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