Sunday, July 19, 2009

Walter Cronkite (1916-2009)

It was with a degree of sadness that I read about the passing of Walter Cronkite the other day in my morning paper. Yes, believe it or not I still have a paper delivered to my doorstep, albeit only on the weekends. I guess it is used mostly for the coupons and to see who is having a good sale on something that I really don't need. Cronkite really was "The Most Trusted Man In America." I can remember every night as a "youngster" turning the TV to watch him deliver the news, in what I always considered an unbiased manner. Today, what you read on the Internet and hear on the radio and television you have to be overly critical of. The media today has an agenda, liberal or conservative, pro-US or anti-US, the news is no longer the news, but some conglomerations attempt to sway the hearts and minds of the public one way or the other. So was not the case when I listened to nightly to Cronkite. From the assassination of JFK, Martin Luther King, the Vietnam War, or the Eagle landing on the moon, Cronkite truly delivered the news. A man whose word I trusted. Walter, may you rest in peace.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My first post...

Here it is, my initial foray into the world of blogging! The burning question, at least in my mind at the present is what should I write about. It really doesn't matter that chances are that no one will even stumble upon this pathetic little blog. But should they, I would like it to be somewhat informational or at least entertaining. So, what to right about? Interests, family, politics? I'm not sure what will stoke my creative writing nerve. If you have any suggestions, leave me a comment!